What is a Character Entity?

Atlas Worlds utilizes a systems of organization that involves creating worlds and entities that will exists within that worlds. The tool allows Game Masters (GM) the ability to manage and organize their tabletop roleplaying game experiences like never before. Within the tool the GM can create entities such as Characters, Location, Items, and Quests. Each of these unique entities comes with their specific data points and allows the GM to diversify their control and management in several ways.

Often times within the Role playing Game (RPG) world parties will encounter and meet key characters who will play crucial roles in the game development. Often the GM will need to frequently revisit their notes to remember and remind the party of interactions that they have had with this characters.

Within the Atlas Worlds tool GM's can take advantage of the notes and encounters system to keep track of how the party has interacted with this character while not being disruptive or destructive to the original world they have painstakenly built.

Character Creator

Join Wizbang as he demonstrates how to create a character within your world. Then follow along as Wizbang further demonstrates how to upload images directly into the GM's private notes.

GM Notes

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Checkout the atlasworlds kickstarter to get started creating your worlds today.