For Game and Dungeon Masters

Finally a tool built specifically for the Game Master over the players. Tabletop roleplaying games have undoubtedly became a main stay in our society. Especially with the huge success and popularity of shows like Disneys Onward and the Netflix Original Stranger Things we are starting to see games similar to the popular D&D, Pathfinder, and Starfinder show up in mainstream media.

With all the excitement and exposure for getting new players into the game there has been a huge focus on lowering the barriers of entry and truely some amazing applications have been created. Systems like and are great tools and they provide wonderful resources to many players.

Despite all of these great tools most GM's are still planning, preparing, and organizing their content with traditional pen and paper sources. While the pen and paper method is surely tried, tested, and proven, it still leaves much to be desired when it comes to organizing and maintaining intricate story details.

Atlas Worlds

Atlas Worlds is a tool that has been designed specifically by Software Developers who are actually GM's themeselves. They know first hand the difficulties and pains of creating and organizing content for their parties session after session. They know the real world complications that can cause parties to only gather on the rarest of occasions, and inversely the demands of those who play several times a week.

With the first hand knowledge and experience of running campaigns and managing parties the developers of atlas worlds set out to create a tool that would be targeted to their own needs while also needing to become a well of truth for their party members. These requirements have helped to forge the tools that are free to use for all members of

Checkout the atlasworlds kickstarter and trailer below